Topic of the Month – Work Experience

Interview skills are essential as we progress through education and into the world of work. The skills that we develop through participation in interviews are used throughout our lives, whether that’s through changing jobs, progressing in a career area, or retraining. With interview season approaching for students applying to a number of different higher education courses, it’s a good time to look at some key interview skills.
Topic of the Month – Interview Skills

Interview skills are essential as we progress through education and into the world of work. The skills that we develop through participation in interviews are used throughout our lives, whether that’s through changing jobs, progressing in a career area, or retraining. With interview season approaching for students applying to a number of different higher education courses, it’s a good time to look at some key interview skills.
Topic of the Month -UCAS & Personal Statements

If you’re ready to begin your Higher Education journey at university or college, you’re about to become very familiar with UCAS! It’s the website where you’ll do much of your research, make your application, monitor your application and ultimately see where you’ll end up. The UCAS, and university application process in general can be overwhelming, […]
Topic of the Month -Time Management Skills

The time is now to start managing your time more effectively when thinking about exams far off in the future. Time management is something we get asked about a lot during our delivery with students and that’s because if it’s not already a habit, it can be hard to get started. Our advice is usually […]
Topic of the Month – August (A-Level results)

Results Day is a major moment in life for many students! After the first in-person exams for 2 years and a long summer of waiting students will be eager to find out the results of their hard work. We know the dates are already highlighted in school & college calendars, but in case you needed a reminder:
Topic of the Month – July

Any point of significant change in our lives is known as a transition. Within education this could be moving up into the next year group, beginning GCSE’s or leaving school to progress onto Further Education, Higher Education, training or the workplace.
Next Steps Event

This academic year, Shaping Futures have partnered with the Liverpool City Region Careers Hub and Elevate EBP to fund Next Steps, a programme supporting 130 Year 10 boys from across the Liverpool City Region. Students engaged with the programme with explore education and career options, and receive 1-2-1 support and guidance to help them achieve […]
Open Days

Exam season is fast approaching! Whether it’s mock exams or the real deal it can be a stressful time for students as they prepare for their assessments. We’re on hand to help out! Check out our top tips from current university students on how to revise, combat stress and achieve your bes
Helping schools support Military Families

The Thriving Lives Toolkit is a free evidence-based framework of seven principles to assess, develop and implement a support structure to best allow Armed Forces children to thrive. Whether your school has one Armed Forces family or are supporting a largely military population, the Thriving Lives toolkit online platform will help you reflect on and […]
Topic of the Month – April

Exam season is fast approaching! Whether it’s mock exams or the real deal it can be a stressful time for students as they prepare for their assessments. We’re on hand to help out! Check out our top tips from current university students on how to revise, combat stress and achieve your bes